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Social Security and Disability

Do I Qualify for social security and disability?


  • Unable to work because of illness or injury

  • Under a doctor’s care

  • Illness or injury expected to last at least 12 months or result in death

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If you have been injured or become ill, and your injury or illness has made it impossible for you to maintain stable employment you may qualify to receive benefits from social security. Disabilities can be Physical or Mental. Sometimes it is not one impairment, but rather a combination of impairments that make it impossible to maintain a job. These impairments cause you to have frequent absences from work, or take constant breaks resulting in being off task for a substantial part of the workday. It can be embarrassing for individuals who have worked hard their entire lives to talk about their inability to hold a job; or explain why they are off task so much during the workday. I can help simplify this process for you. You cannot run faster than you are able, and you cannot work beyond your medical limitations. I can contact your treating physicians directly and get the evidence you need to paint an accurate picture of your limitations and how that affects your ability to work.


Hiring an Attorney to Represent you will not cost you any money out of pocket

You do not need to pay anything out of pocket to hire an attorney to advocate for you! I will take your case and the fees can come out of the back benefits owed if you win, and if you do not win you will not be on the hook for any fees.


Do I Qualify for Disability? Call for a free consultation.


  • Unable to work because of illness or injury

  • Under a doctor’s care

  • Illness or injury expected to last at least 12 months or result in death


If you don’t ask the question you will never know the answer. I can help you navigate this process and get the benefits you deserve.

I have worked hard my entire life I don’t want to ask for a Government hand out

For people who have worked for at least 5 of the last ten years, Title 2 Social Security is there for you. Title 2 is an insurance policy deducted out of every paycheck. If you look at an old paystub you will see a deduction for FICA, this stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act, in other words social security insurance. To qualify for coverage, you must have paid in twenty of the last forty quarters, this usually works out to around five of the last ten years.


This is not difficult to determine even if you only worked part time. Basically, you can put in no more than four quarters per year the amount you were required to earn to pay in for each quarter changes yearly with inflation. For more information on how quarters are calculated  click here . Generally, if you have worked five of the last ten years you are probably covered under this insurance plan. If you are not sure you can find out if you are covered by calling social security and asking for your “date less insured”.


I haven’t worked in years I have no income and very few resources can social security help me?

If you are disabled but have not worked in more than five years, there may be a social security benefit you qualify for.  In addition to proving your disability makes it impossible for you to work, you will have to show a lack of resources available to you. Generally, you must have less than $2,000.00 in assets.


I understand it is difficult to pay bills when you are unable to work and bring home a paycheck. The idea of hiring an attorney to represent you may sound too expensive and out of reach. Maybe you have already applied for benefits and received a denial letter. If you feel you were wrongfully denied, I can help you with no money down. I will not charge you anything unless we win.




If you have any questions about social security or disability for yourself or a loved one, I can help. Call Johnson Law LLC at (208) 269-8779 for a free consultation. I will answer your questions and help you solve your Social Security and Disability problems. I have helped numerous clients with these issues, and I am confident I can help you too.

Request a Free Case Review

No Cost, No Obligation



200 South Main St.

Pocatello Idaho, 83201

Tel:  (208)269-8779

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